Exit Interview: Ryan Linehan
I want to a introduce a new, limited series of posts. First, I will have a couple brief interviews with some of the outgoing ANC 5D commissioners. I think it's really interesting to give them an opportunity to reflect on the experience, and I'm looking forward to reading their thoughts. Similarly, I want to hear from the incoming commissioners I didn't get a chance to interview before the election.
I'm getting a better feel for this site, and think something like one or two posts a week is probably the right pace for now. I'll be taking a little time away during the holidays, but I'd love to hear from you. If you have ideas about what you'd like to read about, please email me (see the sidebar) or find me on Twitter.
Let's begin with an exit interview with Ryan Linehan, outgoing commissioner for Single Member District 5D01, which covers Union Market, Gallaudet and Ivy City, where he lives. In January, Sebrena Rhodes will take his seat on the ANC.

Why did you originally want to be on the ANC and for how long have you served?
I served a two year term and wanted to run for ANC so I could echo the voices of the children of Ivy City, the ones without a safe place to play and exercise. I also wanted to amplify the fight for the Crummell School and the injustices that have long been ignored by our city regarding Ivy City residents.
What are you most proud of accomplishing in your time as a commissioner?
I am most proud that our ANC came together and became a united effort which pushed for and got $1.2 million allocated for interim recreation needs in Ivy City @ Crummell. DDOT also implemented speed bumps throughout IC to protect the kids in the neighborhood who have nowhere else, but the street to play. Most importantly the community has come together throughout the pandemic to do weekly food drives for any neighbor in need as well as providing daily lunches for anyone 18 and under at the Ivy City Clubhouse run by community members and funded by EmpowerDC.
Is there anything that, looking back, you would have done differently?
I would have reached out and made more connections with other ANCs. We are only as strong as the support we have. The city does not seem too concerned about the supported resolutions from ANCs.
Why did you choose to not run again for the next term?
I did not run again as I believe ANCs should be a community effort, and you need fresh legs in the race every 2 years bc it is a sprint. I have noticed degraded efforts after first terms which is understandable since it is often thankless, always payless and takes a lot of time to do right.
What are your hopes for your SMD, and for the whole ANC, going forward?
I hope that my successor continues the fight to see Ivy City get what is long overdue. I hope the ANC continues to work together and stays united.
Would you ever consider running again?
Of course I would run again, but only if the community supports me in that venture and Commissioner Rhodes is ready to pass the baton.
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