First Post
Dear friends and neighbors,
If we haven’t met, I’m a freelance writer, artist and Trinidad resident. My wife and I own a rowhouse towards the Southeastern corner of the neighborhood, near the starburst intersection. I’ve been attending ANC meetings for over a year and I enjoy learning about what’s going on. But it can be hard to keep up, and there aren’t a lot of sources of information about the neighborhood. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, it seems more important than ever to know what’s happening in our community, so I’m trying something new:
Today I’m launching this website, the District Trinidadian, as a blog covering Trinidad specifically, as well as ANC 5D and some of what’s happening in the neighboring communities and institutions. I’m also interested in covering Carver-Langston, Ivy City, Union Market and Gallaudet, but I will be focusing mainly on Trinidad to start. Eventually I would like to have a newsletter on paper, but let's begin here.
Who am I? I’m a journalist and also a cartoonist. I have written for most of the local publications and I write often about transportation, housing and cities in general. I promise to do my best to reflect the Trinidad neighborhood fairly and to edit anything submitted by contributors. I hope to provide a fair reflection of what’s actually happening here in plain language. I'll write more about my values and ethics as a journalist as this gets going. For now, this is a volunteer effort, so please be patient and flexible as I figure this out and make adjustments on the fly.
What are you interested in seeing? Would you like to volunteer to be a contributor on a topic of your choice? You can reach me through the Twitter account, as well as through my email address in my profile in the sidebar.
Josh Kramer
If we haven’t met, I’m a freelance writer, artist and Trinidad resident. My wife and I own a rowhouse towards the Southeastern corner of the neighborhood, near the starburst intersection. I’ve been attending ANC meetings for over a year and I enjoy learning about what’s going on. But it can be hard to keep up, and there aren’t a lot of sources of information about the neighborhood. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, it seems more important than ever to know what’s happening in our community, so I’m trying something new:
Today I’m launching this website, the District Trinidadian, as a blog covering Trinidad specifically, as well as ANC 5D and some of what’s happening in the neighboring communities and institutions. I’m also interested in covering Carver-Langston, Ivy City, Union Market and Gallaudet, but I will be focusing mainly on Trinidad to start. Eventually I would like to have a newsletter on paper, but let's begin here.
Who am I? I’m a journalist and also a cartoonist. I have written for most of the local publications and I write often about transportation, housing and cities in general. I promise to do my best to reflect the Trinidad neighborhood fairly and to edit anything submitted by contributors. I hope to provide a fair reflection of what’s actually happening here in plain language. I'll write more about my values and ethics as a journalist as this gets going. For now, this is a volunteer effort, so please be patient and flexible as I figure this out and make adjustments on the fly.
What are you interested in seeing? Would you like to volunteer to be a contributor on a topic of your choice? You can reach me through the Twitter account, as well as through my email address in my profile in the sidebar.
Josh Kramer
Thanks so much for starting this series. You've already helped me. I voted in part based on your ANC interviews. In the future, I would love to hear more about ANC meetings and to read more about my neighbors. And hope to contribute some day.